Apply these 9 Secret Techniques to Improve B2C Marketing with LinkedIn #startups - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Monday, May 27, 2019

Apply these 9 Secret Techniques to Improve B2C Marketing with LinkedIn #startups

9 Ways to Win at LinkedIn B2C Marketing

Are you investing time into your brand’s LinkedIn page?

It’s easy for companies — especially B2C’s — to neglect LinkedIn in favor of channels like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

But the truth is LinkedIn is a unicorn social channel where B2C companies can thrive.

There are more than 260 million active users on LinkedIn.

More than 40 million users are in decision-making positions, and more than 61 million are senior-level influencers.

In other words, LinkedIn provides tremendous opportunity to connect with individuals who are in a position to form strategic partnership, stock your product or invest in your business.

The bottom line?

Marketing your brand on LinkedIn can only help your brand.

LinkedIn B2C Marketing

Discover 9 ways to win at B2C marketing on LinkedIn.

1. Promote your own Content and Get Creative

Drive traffic to your site by promoting your blog posts, case studies, sales, etc.

Videos and images really boost your ability to drive engagement, so always makes sure to include a visual component to your posts.

You can also syndicate your blog posts with a native LinkedIn Post.

2. Interact with Other People’s Content

It’s a social network, so don’t forget to be social!

Comment on and reshare other people’s posts, especially influencers and individuals who you’d like to align with your business.

Interacting with their content is the first step toward creating a relationship with them!

3. Repurpose Content From Other Social Channels

What’s been really successful on your brand’s other social channels?

Use it on LinkedIn, as well.

You can try posting it exactly as it is, or give a slightly different angle to better suit LinkedIn, if need be.

4. Leverage Hashtags

As with all social networks, you can use hashtags as a means to connect with people outside your network.

Choose hashtags related to your business or industry.

(Tools like Hashtagify can help you find out the most popular hashtags.)

5. Tag People and Brands

Whenever you’re creating a post, make sure to tag those you mention.

It seems obvious, but it’s a step that can be overlooked — especially if you’re posting content to LinkedIn via a third-party app like Buffer where it’s not even possible to add a live tag.

Tagging is important because 1) it gets the post in front of the person you mentioned and 2) the post will make it into the LinkedIn news feeds of that person’s audience.

6. Create Discussion and Ask Questions

Not only does asking questions help you learn more about your audience and consumers, it also drives engagement on your page.

Post thought-provoking, open-ended questions with the intent to spark conversation among your followers.

You can post questions directly related to your product or service to better understand what people like or how they are using it, or you can post lifestyle questions to build out your persona research.

7. Post Job Opportunities, Company Successes and Customer Stories

People go on LinkedIn to connect with employers, find jobs and discover new companies they aspire to join.

As a marketing company, you should be sharing information about your brand that appeals to every user.

Post information about everything going on in your business: company values, product knowledge, jobs and employee and customer stories.

By focusing on what LinkedIn is all about, you’ll be able to pinpoint more business connections while appealing to more people.

8. Avoid Business Jargon

It can be easy to slip into marketing jargon when talking about your business, but don’t do it!

This will only isolate your audience and limit the amount of people you will reach.

The best strategy to make sure your content is reader friendly is to ask yourself this question: Is this how I would explain my company to a friend over coffee?

Sticking to the coffee conversation rule will make sure that you’re engaging with as many people as possible and making your business relatable.

9. Research your Competitors

Always keep an eye on what your competition is doing, including what they’re doing on LinkedIn.

Look at other brands in your space.

What are they posting?

Are they succeeding?

Let their efforts inspire your own.

Republished by permission. Original here.


This article, "Apply these 9 Secret Techniques to Improve B2C Marketing with LinkedIn" was first published on Small Business Trends



Larry Kim, BruceDayne