Audio Podcasts Now In Google Search - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Friday, May 10, 2019

Audio Podcasts Now In Google Search

#google #aiupnow

You can now discover, see and listen to audio podcasts directly in search. This was part of the overall I/O keynote from Wednesday, but launched yesterday morning and you can I can see it on both desktop and mobile Google search.

Didn't we see podcasts in search a couple years ago? Yes, but that was just based on the Podcast structured data elements, not based on how Google transcribes the audio within the actual podcast's content. Previously, Google was not able to understand the words within a podcast, but now they can.

Here is what it looks like in desktop search:

click for full size

Here it is in action from Google's Zack Reneau-Wedeen:

Forum discussion at Twitter.


via (Barry Schwartz), Khareem Sudlow