Marconi protocol: building secure infrastructure for blockchains - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Marconi protocol: building secure infrastructure for blockchains

The Marconi protocol, a networking and blockchain protocol that uses a “programmable packet design,” allows developers to create secure and decentralized networking apps.

These customized software applications can effectively replace more expensive and traditional networking hardware equipment, while being able to perform the same essential functions. In a recent interview with Crypto Insider, the Marconi protocol development team revealed that their platform has been built with the aim of solving “three fundamental problems with the existing internet and networking stack.”

Leaving Networks Vulnerable To “Traffic Pattern Analysis”

As explained by Jong Hyeop Kim, the Marconi Protocol Chief Architect, Ethernet has “no encryption built into its design and exposes raw network packets.” (However, there are some companies that do offer solutions for encryption).

This leaves internet conduits open for allowing internet service providers and governments to easily monitor and surveil user activity, Kim noted.

He also mentioned that even using TLS (Transport Layer Security) and previously the deprecated SSL (Secure Socket Layer) does “not protect the entire network packet,” which leaves network traffic vulnerable to attacks like “traffic pattern analysis.”

“Providing Encryption Down To The Ethernet Layer”

In order to provide a greater level of security, Marconi uses blockchain technology to help “facilitate creating secure pipes which provide encryption down to the Ethernet layer.”

As pointed out by Marconi’s development team, networking equipment today costs up to hundreds of thousands of dollars and is primarily hardware-based, which makes it difficult and impractical to maintain and upgrade. Marconi’s programmable packets aim to provide a platform for flexible software-based networking apps that run on cost-effective hardware.

Commenting on the state of the current internet infrastructure, Marconi’s development team said:

“Today’s network infrastructure is highly centralized across a few ISPs which makes it highly susceptible to outages, easy to monitor and gives the existing providers a monopoly on the market. Marconi uses a native token to incentivize the formation of networks where user devices provide switching, routing, and packet processing functionality.”

The team continued:

“This provides a flexible platform for creating decentralized networking and security apps such as next generation firewalls, anti-phishing and multi-cloud load balancing.”

$60 Billion Blockchain Ecosystem Needs A Secure Internet

The blockchain ecosystem, which is expected to be valued at $60 billion by 2024, is decentralizing industry after industry, however Marconi’s developers argue that we need a more secure and cost-effective platform that fundamentally changes how the current networking and internet stack has been implemented.

Responding to a question about what the main benefits of using blockchain technology might be, Marconi’s team suggested:

  • Transparency & Auditability – most blockchain projects are open-source which provides a new level of visibility and accountability into the software that people rely on for critical activities. In addition, the blockchain ledger is usually publicly available and can be easily audited by anyone.
  • Security & Privacy – new networking protocols built using blockchain technology incorporate advanced cryptography to help preserve online privacy & security
  • Operational Cost Reduction – moving towards open-source technologies that break the hold of proprietary hardware / software / middlemen, individuals and organizations can reduce many of the costs and transaction fees required today
  • Decentralization – whether it’s empowering individuals to own their own data or to have more options for procuring internet infrastructure and connectivity, blockchain enables consumers to have a new level of choice
  • Censorship resistance – with network infrastructure and connectivity coming from a decentralized network, it’s now much harder for centralized entities such as governments or corporations to censor traffic

Advantages Of Open-Source Development

During their interview with Crypto Insider, the Marconi team confirmed they’ll be open-sourcing, or making their source code publicly accessible, in the coming months.

In response to a question regarding whether open-source software will help promote advancements faster than programs and technologies which are not available or accessible to all developers, Kim said: “We believe that there are tremendous benefits to open-sourcing a project. One of the biggest benefits is providing transparency to developers.”

Kim added:

“We are engineers ourselves, and when evaluating developer platforms, being able to have access to the source code not only alleviates a lot of security concerns, but it also gives us more freedom to extend the base functionality. Thus we believe that open-sourcing allows and encourages anyone to contribute so you benefit from a more diverse set of ideas and opinions thus avoiding groupthink.”

Because of this ethos, Marconi’s developers believe that open-sourcing fosters development communities that are actively engaged and become strong evangelists to help accelerate adoption.

Users Will Be Able “Stake Coins While Securing The Network”

When asked about some major updates that the Marconi team plans to release this year, they revealed:

“Later this year, we’ll be releasing our staking update, which will allow individuals to stake their coins while securing the network. In addition, we have just released a multi-year roadmap that outlines the next two years including the release of our Marconi Link technology which will unlock support for wireless communication.”

Going on to mention the official launch date of their mainnet, Kim confirmed:

“The mainnet launch marks the culmination of two years of hard work by the team. We are excited to reach this milestone but believe that this is just a step in our journey as we look forward to advancing and growing the platform. The mainnet will unlock working use cases that we have already documented around security and networking including support for multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud deployments.”

He added:

“With the mainnet launch, blockchain developers and network engineers will be able to start using Marconi to create networking & security applications that can be deployed on their networks. With our mainnet release, we wanted to deepen our technical expertise even further and have also a technical advisory board. This group of research experts in cryptography and networking, including Dr. Whitfield Diffie (a 2015 Turing Award Winner), will bring their years of industry and academic experience to help with the research and design of the project.”

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The post Marconi protocol: building secure infrastructure for blockchains appeared first on Crypto Insider.



Omar Faridi, Khareem Sudlow