The London SEO Community Is Special - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The London SEO Community Is Special

I am sitting here in the London airport waiting for my flight out and I keep thinking how amazing the SEO and SEM industry and community is here in London. It was my first time at an event in London, SMX London and Rising Media flew me out here and put me up. I got to say, everyone I met in London was just super special.

When I first walked into the SMX London event, everyone was smiling and super happy to be there. I guess as a New Yorker, you don't see many people smiling? But as I sat down to listen to some of the speakers, it was interesting to watch how polite, receptive and attentive the audience was. The questions for the speakers poured in, they were all respectable and everyone was very proper and polite. I guess the British way is to be "proper" but seeing it in action was great.

People who know me, that includes everyone reading this post, know I have a sarcastic and dry humor. So the dry British humor was something I was really looking forward to. I got plenty of it and even went super sarcastic where people didn't know if I was joking or not. As long as I think I am funny, that is all that matters anyway.

I was looking forward to meeting a bunch of SEO/SEMs that I've known online for years, some over 15 years. I met many of these folks thanks to Nick Wilsdon, Gerry White, David Iwanow, Judith Lewis, Tash and the folks at Artefact UK. What was suppose to be a 10 person dinner at a kosher restaurant turned into 170+ people registering for an event with pizza and beer. I got to say, I am sad I wasn't able to see Ammon Johns, someone who has been super instrumental in the SEO community and this specific site. One day Ammon, I will meet you!

The event was hilarious, fun and a bit educational. Heck, we even got a rogue former Googler, Pierre Far to show up. :)

They started off by doing this interactive quiz where the audience opens their phones and takes a quiz in real time. They did a quiz about me - which was funny and a bit uncomfortable, but mostly funny:

Congrats to Stu, who won with 10,000+ points! He scored a 10 out of 11 on that quiz!

Here are some photos from other people from the event and some from SMX London:

Liraz Postan also wrote a nice recap of SMX London over here.

Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible and seriously, the SEO/SEM community in London is awesome.

Forum discussion at all of those embeds above!


via (Barry Schwartz), Khareem Sudlow