What’s your AI narrative? How to tell your story, and get noticed #ai - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Saturday, May 11, 2019

What’s your AI narrative? How to tell your story, and get noticed #ai


There’s no doubt that AI has become “the” buzzword in the tech world in the past few years, and will continue to be a core focus in the next five, 10, and 20. Why? We want to know how AI is transforming the world, and what the future entails. Moreover, who’s working on the next disruptive AI technology that’s going to change industries?

For corporate and startup B2B marketers, who are focused on leading the narrative in AI, it becomes challenging to get noticed, and to tell a story, when everyone’s talking about how they’re using AI.  So how do you stand out with this influx of growing content around AI? How do you get your content noticed?

It’s simple, but not an easy one-size-fits-all strategy. B2B marketers can increase the impact of their content strategy and messaging, with effective storytelling.

Storytelling starts from the core. Understand who you’re talking to, what their interests are, and then base your content on what’s valuable to the reader. Customize your content. Today, marketers are looking for the most cutting-edge ways to get their AI technology noticed — and even if you’re covered in the news, there’s always more to the story, more to what you can do and offer, that needs to be told.

Here are three ways you can start leading the narrative in AI with storytelling.

1. Understand your audience

What’s most important to the audience you’re speaking to? How does this audience engage with the content you’re developing? Understand their needs, their goals, and ways they best engage with content and cater to that. If you know your audience is C-level executives who are in the market for transformative technologies — then use data and research to understand where these executives are digesting their content. Are they engaging with the majority of their content on social media platforms, news sites, or podcasts? Which platform do they use the most — mobile? Find out where they’re spending their time — what interests them, what they need, what they’re looking for — and build your story with the audience first in mind.

2. Focus on your USP. What makes you different?

It’s important to talk about what’s happening in the industry to showcase your thought leadership, but when you’re ready to talk about yourself — make it count. Talk about what differentiates you. What are you doing that’s disruptive and what makes it disruptive? Dive into real case studies — share the “how” and “wow” — how you got there and why it’s significant. And don’t forget to tie it back into the audience — why is this story important to the person engaging or listening to your content, what does this mean for him or her, and is it valuable?

3. Don’t tell a story just to get noticed. Tell a story that will get itself noticed.

You’re developing content because you have a goal — you need to get noticed. Your marketing objectives call for leads, awareness, and an opportunity to showcase thought leadership. It’s important not to get hung up on your goal — but to find inspiration towards the goal. Why is this story or content important? Is it really relevant to your audience and will it stand out? Does this story inspire or come off as thought-provoking? Rethink your storytelling strategy, and make it count. The second you have eyeballs or attention — show you’re prospective audience your content is worth their time, and keep them wanting more. Storytelling is most effective when the audience stays engaged and you’re having ongoing touchpoints. This is when you know you’ve done it right, when you’ve built loyalty with your audience and the core of your relationship is built on authenticity.

To learn more about effective story-telling and how you can work with VB Lab to get your message noticed, visit VB Lab here.

Gina Joseph is Head of Strategy & Partnerships at VentureBeat.


via https://AIupNow.com

Gina Joseph, Khareem Sudlow