New Watch Dogs game Legion is set in 'post-Brexit' London - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

New Watch Dogs game Legion is set in 'post-Brexit' London

#games #gaming #watchdog 

Ubisoft has a new Watch Dogs game waiting in the wings, and this time its headed to ol' Blighty. Watch Dogs Legion will be set in a "post-Brexit" dystopian London, according to a leak on Amazon UK.

As if the people of Britain needed a reminder of their impending misery...

"Watch_Dogs Legion is set in a near-future, dystopian version of London," according to the listing description spotted by Twitter game leaker Wario64

"It's a post-Brexit world in which society, politics and technology have changed and altered London's fortunes. London is one of the most iconic cities in the world and has had a massive influence on all of Western Culture for centuries... London makes total sense for WD, as the city has one of the highest surveillce (sic) levels in the world making this the perfect playground."

Play as anyone?

Beyond the setting, not much else has been revealed about Watch Dogs 3 – and nothing officially. That'll be presumably kept back until Monday June 10 at 13:00 PT / 21:00 BST when Ubisoft's E3 2019 conference kicks off.

But one interesting feature has been teased – apparently, you can "play as anyone", with the player able to take control of all NPCs. "Every individual you meet in the open world, has a full set of animations, voice over, character traits and visuals that are generated and guided by gameplay systems."

So far, so Black Mirror? The tech-focussed game series has always tapped into issues surrounding privacy, surveillance and the dangers of a smart city, but this potentially overtly political setting is unusual for Ubisoft, which has previously purposefully remained apolitical in its output. The Watch Dogs series has underwhelmed previously – will third time be the charm?

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Gerald Lynch, Khareem Sudlow