15 Perfect Font Pairings for Your E-commerce Website - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Friday, August 9, 2019

15 Perfect Font Pairings for Your E-commerce Website


Scientists claim you have about 10-20 seconds to catch users’ attention before they leave your site for parts unknown. So you really wanna make that first 10 seconds count (no pun intended).

The text in your site’s header area is a crucial source of information. What you say is obviously significant, but it’s also important to consider how you say it.

Typography is the voice of your website. Not only does choosing the right typography help to communicate your message, but it also has the power to affect tone and even make your brand more recognizable. That’s why there are over 300,000 fonts in the world to choose from, ranging from classic to… well, crazy.

creative font example

Canadian artist Jenny Shipper’s font is an ode to Federico Fellini’s films

With so many options, finding your own right style can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know how fonts work together. In this post, we’ll go over some of our favorite font pairings to help you design a header message that converts.

All the examples below were created with design tools available in the Ecwid Instant Site — a free and efficient one-page e-commerce site builder to get your store up and selling fast. Learn more about Instant Site’s design options, or sign up for free to see it in action.

How to change fonts in the Ecwid Instant Site editor:

  1. Go to the Website tab in your Ecwid control panel and click "Edit;"
  2. Select "Headline & Cover;"
  3. Type in your store’s headline and description. Choose your cover layout and change its position and alignment if needed. From here, you can also change your background and call to action button if desired;
  4. Scroll down and select "Typography;"
  5. Choose font families, colors, and sizes for your headline and description;
  6. Don’t forget to press the "Save" button when you’re done.

Spirax + Open Sans Condensed

Spirax’s original curves give headlines a refined but whimsical look that’s well-matched with open and neutral forms of Open Sans Condensed. This combination may work for you if you sell something uniquely designed like handmade jewelry.

font pairs

Merriweather + Oswald

Merriweather is pleasant to read on screens with its slightly condensed letterforms, sturdy serifs, and open forms. It’s perfectly in tune with Oswald, a font inspired by the classic gothic and grotesque styles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This pairing may suit a store that sells high-end bespoke products like watches or leather accessories.

font pairings for ecommerce website

Abril Fatface + Cabin

The thin serifs and well-rounded curves of Abril Fatface give headlines an elegant but playful appearance, which is well-paired with Cabin’s touch of modernism. Try these fonts if you sell stationery products or books.

font pairing ecommerce

Montserrat + Merriweather

Montserrat is based on urban typography from the first half of the 20th century, complemented by the slightly condensed letterforms of Merriweather. This pairing would be well served in a bag or sneaker store.

free font pairings

Overlock + Nunito

Overlock’s rounded glyph shapes make great titles and short texts in magazine-style layouts. This font looks its very best at bigger sizes, complementing Nunito’s well-balanced rounded forms. If you sell clothes, these fonts are a great choice.

how to pair fonts

Playfair Display + Source Sans Pro

The classic style of Playfair Display is even more prominent when paired with Source Sans Pro, which was created to work well in user interfaces. This timeless combo would work well with stores specializing in women’s beauty products or dress shops.

best font pairings

Alegreya + Lato

Alegreya’s dynamic and varied rhythm provides freshness to the page, setting off Lato’s semi-rounded details and strong structure. Take a closer look at these fonts if you sell lingerie or other elegant accessories.

google font pair

Rokkitt + Lato

Rokkitt was designed for use as a display font in headings and headlines. Combine it with semi-rounded san serif Lato to create a prominent look. Pay attention to this combination if your store focuses on premium sportswear or stylish tech.

fonts for online store

Quicksand + Proxima Nova

Geometric shapes are a core foundation of Quicksand, so pair it with Proxima Nova’s modern sensibility to give your layout a clean, fresh touch. If you sell toys or baby strollers, these fonts may work well for you.

font pairs for online store

Oxygen + Maven Pro

Oxygen works well in all graphical user interfaces, desktops, and devices, especially in combination with Maven Pro’s easy readability. Check out this pairing if your website sells eyewear or fitness accessories.

font pairings

Dancing Script + Lato

Lively and casual Dancing Script gives your page a friendly and informal touch, emphasizing Lato’s classical proportions and sleek san serif aesthetic. Gift and postcard shops may benefit from this set.

coursive font pair

Signika + Dosis

The gentle character of Signika works great for headlines, while Dosis makes supplemental texts fairly easy to read. This pairing works for a wide range of stores, from electronics to flowers.

google font pairings

Reenie Beanie + Muli

Reenie Beanie is based on basic ball-point pen handwriting, providing a playful look, which is complemented by the structured minimalism of the Muli font. Try this mix if you sell something like sketchbooks or you’d like a more laid-back tone for your brand.

font pairing

Questrial + Muli

San serif Muli makes a perfect body text font, and it’s understated aesthetic means it pairs well with a wide variety of headline fonts: like Questrial with its modern style and full-circle curve. This set could be a go-to variant for streetwear.

font pair

Berkshire Swash + Proxima Nova

Berkshire Swash has a bold yet gentle flair, which makes for a vivid headline and provides an amazing balance with Proxima Nova’s simple, modern proportions and geometric appearance. Handmade cosmetics or desserts would benefit from this mix.

pairing fonts together

Basics of Font Pairings

Didn’t find what you’re looking for in our list? If you’re feeling creative, try playing with fonts in the free Instant Site editor and find your own beautiful font combination.

Here are some basic guidelines to follow:

  1. Create a contrast between your fonts (bold & cursive, TALL & short)
  2. Combine serif and san-serif fonts (like Libre Baskerville + Signika).
  3. Don’t use two similar fonts (for example, two cursives) for both your headline and body text. Creating variety will draw the eye and help your customer engage with each section individually.
  4. Make the font match your brand. Playful handwritten letters probably aren’t the best fit for a premium jewelry brand.
  5. Limit yourself to 2-3 fonts to avoid making your content appear cluttered.

Also read: 50 Exemplary Online Stores Built With Ecwid


via https://www.AiUpNow.com

Den Nikiforov, Khareem Sudlow