3 Ways Marketing Solves Business Problems - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Thursday, August 1, 2019

3 Ways Marketing Solves Business Problems


Recent studies have shown that over the last 19 years the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds to eight seconds. Sure, four seconds less doesn't sound like much, but for marketers, this means even less time to capture attention and communicate with your audience.

Quality marketing is not about cramming as much information into one form of communication as possible. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Reports from Simplicity Index show that 64 per cent of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand with simpler communications and marketing. To ensure you're bringing continued value to your employers, it's important to look at why marketing is a key aspect to successful brands, and what ways you can use its power to cut through the noise.

1. You can educate your audience and become a thought leader

Rather than focus on simply selling a product or service, you can use your marketing knowledge to educate your audience. Potential customers are less likely to focus in on sales content, so if you provide some element of education and learning, you can pique your audience's interest.

For example, a consumer may receive segmented communication from a footwear company selling footwear that explains how running analysis can help you purchase the right shoe. This can serve as the first touch-point between digital communications to encourage in-store visits. Once suitably persuaded to visit a store, the consumer may be able to access running analysis where they track running patterns on a treadmill in order to identify what running shoes suit that person. Rather than just selling their latest model, a brand with thoughtful, data-driven marketing takes the time to educate consumers on why they need one particular running shoe over another.

By implementing education into your marketing, you're able to get in front of your audiences and inform them about your product or service value. By doing so, you're able to raise continued awareness about the business you work for and generate further sales. You're also able to genuinely address what's right for them, which in turn helps a business grow.

2. You can build brand loyalty and trust with personalised content

A recent study from Infosys showed that 87 per cent of consumers felt that personally branded marketing positively influenced how they felt about a brand. With your marketing skills, a company is able to build a continual sense of loyalty and trust with an audience.

Whether it's by including a name to sign off in your emails, sending segmented communications for particular demographics, or providing personalised feedback channels, it's important for your marketing to show a brand's story and identity.

Identity can help your audience feel more included in what your brand stands for, increasing the likelihood of signing up or making a purchase. By increasing your audience's sense of belonging, you can turn them into fans of not only your products but your entire brand. This encourages them to share your products and services, resulting in more brand loyalty, increasing the likelihood of repeat sales.

3. You can improve sales with increased leads and a better conversion funnel

Research from HubSpot shows that 61 per cent of marketers list generating traffic and leads as their top challenge. Marketers play a key role in generating increased leads, which translates into further sales and growth for a business. One digital marketing method you can use to improve your lead numbers is creating effective landing pages.

Great landing pages use a combination of unique imagery, compelling (and concise) copy and a clear, strong call to action (CTA). Landing pages allow you to capture customer information through conversion forms, offering new audience members value before turning them into leads.

As your landing pages convert into leads, this improves your conversion funnel, pushing customers down to your website's product pages and increasing conversion rates. Landing pages are just one way your marketing skills can be used for generating more leads.

How does learning about marketing give you skills to solve business problems?

In today's busy online marketplace, you need exceptional marketing skills to set you apart. Studying marketing online can help you plan, direct, implement and improve marketing campaigns that drive business, and inform overall organizational strategy.

Postgraduate study helps build upon existing skills and experience, increasing your value to businesses in an increasingly competitive job market.

About This Content
This content is provided in collaboration with RMIT University. It may have been influenced by the sponsor and does not necessarily reflect the views of the ECT News Network editorial staff.


via https://www.AiUpNow.com

RMIT University, Khareem Sudlow