Small businesses who missed first tax return deadline spared HMRC fine #SmallBusiness - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Small businesses who missed first tax return deadline spared HMRC fine #SmallBusiness

#Small Business #BusinessTips

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business

HMRC is dismissing fines for around 120,000 businesses who missed the first Making Tax Digital deadline on August 7.

A significant one in four businesses failed to file on time, meaning that HMRC could have issued tens of millions of pounds worth of fines. Officials said that they wouldn’t issue the penalties because businesses are ‘fully focused’ on exiting the EU come October 31.

Fines sit between £100 and £400 (linked to the gross turnover of the business) but the Government did say back in February that there would be a “light touch” approach to penalties, but this is the first time no fines have been issued.

The move comes amid a series of leniency measures to help businesses ahead of a possible no-deal Brexit.

MTD bothersome for businesses

HMRC said that it wanted to help businesses transition into Making Tax Digital, supporting the 490,000 companies with sales above the VAT threshold of £85,000 who were due to file by August 7.

Though some missed the deadline, nearly a million businesses registered for MTD beforehand and 900,000 VAT returns were successfully submitted through the service.

Deputy CEO of HMRC, Jim Harra, said: “We are very pleased that nearly a million businesses have signed up and thank them for joining.

“Our ambition is to help businesses moving to MTD to get it right, not to penalise them. HMRC’s decision not to enforce penalties will help businesses transition to MTD without fear of getting it wrong.”

The taxman advised businesses who hadn’t registered for Making Tax Digital in time to file their return through the old VAT portal, as done previously. Email reminders are being sent to those who have not yet registered for MTD and a letter to those who missed the first filing deadline.

Conservative MP Michael Gove is in charge of no-deal planning and has informed business groups that HMRC would be ordered to be help businesses that were struggling as a result of a no-deal Brexit.

If you’re having trouble with the transition to Making Tax Digital, read over our guide on Making Tax Digital bridging software.

Small businesses who missed first tax return deadline spared HMRC fine

Small Business


Anna Jordan, Khareem Sudlow