UK Lawmakers Vote to Delay Decision on Johnson’s Brexit Deal #Startups - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

UK Lawmakers Vote to Delay Decision on Johnson’s Brexit Deal #Startups


LONDON, United Kingdom — UK lawmakers voted to delay a decision on Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, a move that will force the prime minister to ask the European Union to postpone Britain’s departure from the bloc.

Without sign-off from Parliament, Johnson is required by law to write to the EU by 11 pm tonight asking to delay Britain’s departure until January 31.

On Saturday, lawmakers backed an amendment by former Tory minister Oliver Letwin and ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond that withholds approval for the deal Johnson negotiated with the EU this week until the Withdrawal Agreement Bill that implements it becomes law.

Letwin and Hammond say their amendment is an insurance policy against Britain crashing out of the EU without an agreement by Johnson’s Oct. 31 deadline. The government may now put the Withdrawal Agreement Bill to lawmakers next week, paving the way for another crunch vote on Johnson’s Brexit plan before the month’s end.

By Edward Evans; editors: Tim Ross and Andrew Davis.



Bloomberg, Khareem Sudlow