This Company Went to Extremes to Promote a Rebranding #Ecommerce - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

This Company Went to Extremes to Promote a Rebranding #Ecommerce


The process of rebranding begins by addressing why you need to rebrand.

When bpm’online changed its name to Creatio, the company created a buzz with a splashy event.

The CEO, Katherine Kostereva, and all 160 of her employees in the company launched the new name by skydiving. The company also invited everyone to join in the renaming event online.

Even though this type of rebranding may not be possible if you’re a small business owner, you can nevertheless create a buzz. With the right marketing strategy and readily available digital tools, such as social media, you can do it.

Why the Name Change?

According to Creatio, “The new name is going to reinforce the company’s vision of creating a world where any business idea can be automated in minutes.”

Regarding the name, it was chosen to reflect Creatio’s belief everyone will become a developer.

The Process of Rebranding

The process of rebranding begins by addressing why you need to rebrand. Whether it is a simple change to your logo or a complete rebranding, the change will have consequences.

But if you feel it is time to rebrand your company consider the changes carefully. After all, this is how your customers know you and any changes could drive them away. But before go through with it, consider the following.

First, find out just how much of a rebranding your business requires. You might just need to update the font and color of your logo. If on the other hand, you need a complete transformation, it will require more resources.

The Change

Before you make the change, get everyone in your company involved in the process. Ask for suggestions and ideas across the entire rebranding strategy. And if you have the resources, pick a team to be in charge of the rebranding project.

Make sure everyone is aboard, at least as many of your employees as possible. If your employees are not convinced of the rebranding, make more of an effort to make them understand why it is necessary. After all, if your employees don’t see the benefit, the same could also go with customers.

The next step is to get feedback from your customers. Ask them what is working and what isn’t before moving forward. And last but certainly not least, get some professional help from a marketing agency. This may not be possible for a small business, but freelancers are now available at affordable rates. So, take advantage of the available talent in the open market to get some expert opinions on the cheap.

During this process, you should also asses the cost of the rebranding. This, of course, will depend on what kind of rebranding you are going for.

After the Rebranding

Once you have gone through the rebranding, work towards a better marketing approach during the launch and afterward.

For the launch tell your customers and even competitors with different modes of advertising along with a press release. Put your new brand out there and let the world know about it. Use this time to let your audience know why you made the change and what you intend for it to accomplish.

After the launch, use all the tools available to you to ensure your brand is well represented. Keep your blog, website, social media page, podcast or other channels up to date with the latest information about your company.

A good rebranding will mark a new and exciting phase in your company by re-engaging your customers and attracting new ones. At the end of the day, you want your brand to clearly communicate what your business is about.

If your current brand is not up to par, it might be time for a rebranding.


This article, "This Company Went to Extremes to Promote a Rebranding" was first published on Small Business Trends



Michael Guta, Khareem Sudlow