5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Make for Success in 2020 #StartUps - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Make for Success in 2020 #StartUps

As 2019 draws to a close, many individuals are reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the possibilities a new decade can allow. While it’s great to improve your personal life, there is always room for improvement in your business, as well.

The New Year is the perfect time to evaluate your company’s strengths and weaknesses and create goals or resolutions for the upcoming year. Even the most successful entrepreneurs and founders use the New Year as an opportunity for growth.

If you’re looking for ideas, we’ve rounded up a handful of our favorite entrepreneurial resolutions from successful thought leaders.

Be plugged into your industry’s policy trends

“My New Year’s Resolution advice for other entrepreneurs in 2020 is to encourage them to anticipate, participate and stay on top of regulatory moves in your industry. As legislation changes, it’s so important to be aware of what is evolving. Even as a startup, you can contribute to the conversation and join industry groups to make your voice heard.”

– Sara Schaer, co-founder of Kango

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Consider your resolutions as goals to pursue

“I recommend for everyone to set New Year’s Resolutions for three different areas of your life: business, health and growth. I prefer to call them ‘goals’ because for me, they come from a reflection of the past year, and a plan for how I want to live my life in the New Year. This year, my goal is to always go after what I want wholeheartedly.”

– Cathryn Lavery, co-founder and CEO of BestSelf Co.

Imagine the possibilities your company could create

“Every entrepreneur should resolve to dream bigger in 2020. It might sound cliché, but we’re at the start of a new decade, which is really exciting. Think about the next 10 years. What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to be in 2030? Dream big and start chasing those goals as soon as possible.”

– Danh Tran, founder of Buttercloth

Choose a credit card that will help grow your business

“As an entrepreneur, resolve to make your money work for you in 2020. The easiest way to start is by choosing a business credit card that has strong rewards that compliment your business goals.

For example, if you find yourself traveling frequently, choose a card with good travel perks like points toward flights or no foreign transaction fees. Using the perfect card to earn residual rewards or cashback on your necessary, everyday expenses is an easy way to rack up savings throughout the year.”

– Patrick Beckman, contributing finance editor of RAVE Reviews

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Choose happiness for yourself and your employees

“My New Year’s Resolution is to spark joy. It sounds very ‘Marie Kondo,’ but I think it’s a great principle that every business leader can apply to their life and their company. Be the reason for someone else’s happiness! I hope our products do that for people every day, but in 2020, I’m making a more intentional effort to bring joy daily for the people around me and for my employees.”

– Evan Mendelsohn, co-founder of Tipsy Elves

There you have it! Hopefully this has inspired you to set your own entrepreneurial resolutions for the New Year. Let us know what your business goals for 2020 are in the comments section below.

The post 5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Make for Success in 2020 appeared first on StartupNation.

via https://www.AiUpNow.com/ by StartupNation, Khareem Sudlow