Keep Up with Tech Innovations for your Business by Attending TECHSPO New York #Ecommerce - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Keep Up with Tech Innovations for your Business by Attending TECHSPO New York #Ecommerce


If there is one constant in digital technology, it is the constant rate at which it evolves. And if you are a small business owner, keeping up can be quite a challenge.

TECHSPO New York 2020 is a two-day event that will showcase next-generation technology and innovation.

The expo will have developers, brands, marketers, technology providers, designers, innovators and evangelists. These participants will be teaching and revealing technologies that will grow your small business.

Some of the basic topics the expo will cover include Artificial Intelligence, a Video Marketing Master Class, a session on Magnifying Your Brand on LinkedIn, and sessions on the impact of data in business.

Previous attendees include everyone from Accenture to Adobe, Allstate, Apple, Chase, Dell, eBay, IBM, HP and Google. These and other leading brands in technology, finance, insurance, retail, food and beverage have participated.

So, make plans to attend TECHSPO New York 2020 from May 7 to 8, 2020.

Click the red button and register.

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Image: Techspo NYC

This article, "Keep Up with Tech Innovations for your Business by Attending TECHSPO New York" was first published on Small Business Trends



Small Business Editor, Khareem Sudlow