Office Hours with Lisa Lawson - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Office Hours with Lisa Lawson

Next Friday, February 21, SaaS Office Hours at Redpoint welcomes Lisa Lawson. Lisa built the channel program at Optimizely, the leading AB testing platform. Lisa also lleads the channel practice for SaaS Sales Management, the leading bootcamp for SaaS sales leaders.

Developing channel and partner programs is a capital efficient way of growing SaaS companies. But to succeed, a company must understand the key parts of partnering with larger salesteams to make the effort effective.

SaaS Office Hours are events hosted at Redpoint with a speaker. The session is meant to be interactive and provide close access to SaaS luminaries.

Over the course of two hours, we’ll invite four startups to conduct one-on-one office hours for 30 minutes with Lisa and I to discuss go-to-market questions and their channel strategies.

Apply to attend these office hours here. Demand for these events often exceeds our hosting capacity, so we will email confirmations five days before the event. Reminder: these events are all off the record. Please register if you can attend in person.

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