Tips for Making the Most of a Tight Budget for Your Small Business - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Tips for Making the Most of a Tight Budget for Your Small Business

Making the Most of a Tight Budget

Small businesses don’t often have a ton of extra cash lying around. If you’re looking to get a new business off the ground or market an existing venture, you may need to find creative ways to do so on a budget. Here, find tips from members of the online small business community for starting and growing a business without spending a ton of money.

Try the New Small Business Trends Business Loan Calculator

Getting a business started often requires the need for a small business loan. You may need it for a company vehicle or a new computer or a building repair or upgrade. But how big of a loan will you need and how long will you need to pay it off? Small Business Trends just introduced a new Business Loan Calculator which helps you figure out how much a loan could cost your business over time. This will definitely help you manage your money better as you’re getting started in business.

Enhance Visibility for Your Business Without Breaking the Bank

Search engines are especially important for local businesses looking to get found. But sometimes promoting your search listings and upgrading your SEO efforts can seem a bit expensive. In this Search Engine Watch post, Toby Nwazor examines how small businesses can maximize SEO without breaking the bank.

Consider a Small Business Line of Credit

A small business line of credit can help you grow or start a business, even if you don’t have access to a ton of your own funds. In this post on The Franchise King blog, Stephen Halasnik dives into the idea of using a small business line of credit for a franchise.

Create Organic Reach on Facebook

Facebook is an incredibly effective tool for small businesses to reach and communicate with customers. However, constantly promoting posts and purchasing ads can add up. If you want to reach more consumers without paying for ads, read the tips in this Social Media Examiner post by Michael Stelzner.

Find High Paying Work from Home Opportunities

If you’re looking for a new venture or just want to add new income streams to your business, you may be interested in some of the work from home opportunities included in this post by Philip Verghese Ariel on You can also see what BizSugar members are saying about the post here.

Get Your Business Going Without Investors

Sometimes, starting a business without investors can give you more freedom to run and grow your operations in your own way. If you want to enjoy this type of freedom without struggling financially, check out this Startup Professionals Musings post by Martin Zwilling.

Learn About PPP Loan Forgiveness

The PPP loan program has been providing relief for small businesses, and now there are forgiveness options available to help even further. If you’ve utilized this program for funding during this time, this Acuity post by Matthew May includes the forgiveness details you need to know.

Get Inspired to Earn More Thanks to These Podcast Episodes

The resources you surround yourself with as you run a business can inspire you to reach your goals. If you’re looking for new podcast episodes to listen to, Janice Wald of Mostly Blogging shares reviews in this post. You can also see commentary from the BizSugar community here.

Help Your Small Business Survive a Recession

The current economic situation has a lot of small businesses worried about their finances. But you don’t necessarily need to spend a ton to make some sensible changes that prepare your business for a recession. Katie Lundin explores some strategies in this Crowdspring post.

Build Revenue Quickly with Customer Incentives

If you’re ready to make some immediate sales for your small business, you may need to incentivize customer activity. In this SMB CEO post, Ivan Widjaya explains some methods for delivering incentives to potential buyers so you can boost revenue right away.

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This article, "Tips for Making the Most of a Tight Budget for Your Small Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

May 30, 2020 at 12:31PM

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Annie Pilon, Khareem Sudlow