Avoid multitasking to improve your productivity – infographic #SmallBiz - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Avoid multitasking to improve your productivity – infographic #SmallBiz

Originally written by Partner Content on Small Business

As a small business owner, you will always have far more to do than time to do it. From managing your marketing to taking care of staff and balancing the books, there’s a lot to take on and you’ve likely found yourself wishing for more hours in the day.

In fact, our recent research found that 26 per cent* of small business owners said a major cause of stress was juggling business and personal commitments and 24 per cent* said time pressures caused them stress.

The answer does not sit in working longer hours or trying to squeeze more into your day, it’s all around identifying what drives your busyness and what steps you can take to reduce this and remain focused while still looking after your wellbeing.

One of these steps, and the focus of our latest infographic below, is to work smarter and avoid the temptation to multitask. The infographic shares some interesting statistics and tips when it comes to keeping focused, avoiding distractions and learning how to manage your email inbox. With 21%* of small business owners reporting that staying on top of business admin is one of the main factors that causes stress, it’s never been more important to take back control of admin tools like email.

We’ve also teamed up with professional performance coach, Phillippa Hurrell, to create an interactive guide with seven top tips to help small business owners give their productivity a boost. The guide includes practical insights into prioritising your time, managing your energy to get the best results and how to look up and refocus on what matters for your business. Within each section you can also make notes and plans directly into the guide. You can download a copy here.

Investing some time into thinking how you can structure your day, identifying those top priorities and getting really focused on your business plans can help to improve your performance and most importantly, your wellbeing.

*2019/2020 UK Domain research. Percentages calculated from total respondents for each individual question.

This article was brought to you in partnership with the UK Domain.

Read more

SME wellbeing tips from performance coach, Phillippa Hurrell – a podcast

Avoid multitasking to improve your productivity – infographic

via https://ift.tt/2Jn9P8X by Partner Content, Khareem Sudlow