PWAs: changing the face of Workwear Express
Having cultivated a customer base of more than 200,000 clients, serving businesses across 100+ countries in a variety of sectors, with a vast product portfolio from PPE to lab coats, Workwear Express prides itself on customer service, top-quality products, prompt delivery and excellent value – whether their customer is a small one-time buyer or a blue-chip giant.
But, in order to continue to grow its business, Workwear knew something needed to be done to improve its online user-journey.
The biggest challenge Workwear faced was that they were processing customisable product orders manually. Prior to a site re-build with JH, Workwear did not have the ability to approve, process and confirm customer orders that included artwork automatically through the site.
When customers would submit artwork such as logos, Workwear’s internal team was required to communicate via phone or email with customers in order to approve artwork, order quantities and turnaround times.
This led to longer lead times, more work for the team, a greater potential for human-error and frustrated customers who required a speedier turnaround time from click to delivery.
Site speed was also a big issue for Workwear. Its product catalogue is vast and navigating a site with slow load-times was a paint-point for both customers and the internal team.
The answer lay in PWAs, which JH, which re-built its site, understood only too well.
How it moved to a PWA
To make the move, it was critical that JH first understood the ins and outs of Workwear’s processes, so it could create a more streamlined buyer-journey for Workwear’s customers.
To do this, it led a series of technical discovery workshops that focused on Workwear’s current buyer-journey. Mapping out the entire experience from product selection to delivery and all the variants that come with a customisable product offering, the agency then listed all pain-points and crafted solutions that would absolve these.
This involved getting to know how Workwear’s payment gateway operated and even how their embroidery and printing machines worked.
By the end of the discovery sessions, JH had devised a plan of action that would see Workwear fully automate its sales process, using the best solutions and integrations for its business model.
via September 15, 2021 at 05:15AM by Paul Skeldon, Khareem Sudlow,