Dear SaaStr: How Many Prospects and Customers Should I Meet Face-to-Face? - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Dear SaaStr: How Many Prospects and Customers Should I Meet Face-to-Face?


Q: Should an early- stage B2B startup meet every customer face-to-face to receive feedback?

Now that we’re back to in-person meetings, it’s in some ways a different world.  We’ve gotten used to closing bigger and bigger deals over Zoom. Prospects and customers aren’t really expecting face-to-face meetings anymore, even for the biggest deals.

And yet … now we’re all seeing deals close faster, win rates go up, and customers buy more, when we actually meet them again in person.

So as a rough rule, who should you take the time to go meet?  Because it does take time.  The answer really is — meet as many as you can in person.

But some rough rules to think about:

  • Meet every local customer that you can Uber/drive to in the early days … if they’ll take a meeting (a lot won’t want to).  Try to meet every single of your first 100 customers in person that are local, no matter how small the deal size.
  • The more your product is a “solution” vs. just a tool — the more meetings you should take.  To learn how your solution is really being used.
  • Meet with ALL your top 10, or top 10% customers.  So if you have 50-70 today … if nothing else … meet in person with at least the Top 5 or so.  It will dramatically increase the odds they deploy, expand, and stay.  Customers love to meet with the CEO.  You owe it at least to you top customers.
  • If nothing else, try to spend 20% of your time with your existing customers.  Everyone spends too much time on prospects, and not enough time with closed customers.

More here:  SaaStr | Want Happy Customers?  Implement the 5-Visits-Plus-2-Badges Rule.  For Your Customer Success Team  — And You.

Customers Love to Talk to the CEO. Do More of That Now.

The post Dear SaaStr: How Many Prospects and Customers Should I Meet Face-to-Face? appeared first on SaaStr.


Jason Lemkin, Khareem Sudlow