Four Examples of Social Impact Startups #StartUps - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Four Examples of Social Impact Startups #StartUps


Having some sort of social interaction with your startup seems really necessary these days. After all, you want to contact those within your customer base with new offers, advice, or even discussion about available services. With that, you’ll want to make a social impact on them. But it’s not just a matter of using one type – there are actually four different styles of social impact to use.

So which one is right for you? Really, it depends on the nature of your business. How are you interacting with consumers? What services actually allow you to use a social angle on them? You need to take a closer look at this, and then decide which steps you want to make for your social impact to truly work.

Never fear, as we have the four basic styles of social impact here. Depending on which direction you want to go, you could yield different results. But each one is effective in its own special way. Let’s take a closer look at each one!


First off, this is the big one – global social impact. It’s where you actually make a difference in more than one sector. In fact, you do so in more than one country. This is especially crucial when your business has international reach, like supplies, water, electricity, or something of that nature.

In that regard, it helps to have the right social reach for individual countries. That means certain languages to adapt to, as well as types of technology that can really lend each individual country a hand. This is probably the busiest of the four social types out there, and a lot has to be done to make sure it’s done right.

Still, extensive reach means an extensive consumer base. So the more you’re willing to expand your social impact, the better the reach becomes and the bigger your consumer base is. So don’t be afraid to dip your toes in international waters, especially as COVID restrictions begin lifting up!


Let’s say you’ve got a business that knows how to make a social impact. But what if your startup is doing it in ways that other businesses – or possibly even governments – are not? This allows you to transform the nature of your social impact to reach out to others.

This is a good way of social, mainly because you can expand to areas that others don’t have much expertise. Granted, these can be murky waters depending on the nature of your business. However, with the right reach, there’s no reason why you can’t expand and really see what your social impact can do for you.

The first way to check about this is to see what your startup does that others aren’t necessarily doing. Then look for ways to make improvements and see if the level of social contact works for you. If so, give it a shot. Who knows, you just might transform your customer base into something much bigger!


Next up is something that’s sure to be right up the alley of charities and other non-profit-style businesses. With Non-Profit Social Impact, you’ll look to make a difference in terms of driving up donations and telling potential stories about what your charity can do for others. It may sound like it could ploy a little bit, but it’s all for the sake of the greater good. You’re willing to help others, and you can explain very clearly why it’s important for others to help, too.

A lot of companies have begun to take this social impact route, mainly because it helps out those in need. These days, there are a lot of people that fill that role, so it’s no surprise why it’s taken off.

The best way to adapt your social impact for this is to take a closer look at the effectiveness of some charities, and where your startup can help out. Then hit the ground running with a good campaign and help change the world!


Finally, if you want to get started on the right foot for your startup’s social impact, start small – the community! Take a good look around and see what your startup can do for others locally, and where you might even be able to offer sponsorships. Work on promotions to help others, and even find an angle to appeal to your certain community or city. That may include teaming up with a sports team, or a local restaurant, or others.

The best way to nail this is to get a good look around your area and see where your social reach can go. Once you figure it out, take the path and watch your community soar! Remember, appeal to what works best for them locally.

No matter which social impact steps you take, you’ve got lots of options when it comes to reaching out for the better!

The post Four Examples of Social Impact Startups appeared first on KillerStartups.


December 29, 2022 at 06:01AM by Robert Workman, Khareem Sudlow