UK-based foodtech startup Clean Food Group gets collaborative backing for its sustainable palm oil alternative from Doehler #StartUps - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

UK-based foodtech startup Clean Food Group gets collaborative backing for its sustainable palm oil alternative from Doehler #StartUps


UK-based Clean Food Group is on a mission to clean up society’s unhealthy and unsustainable palm oil habits. The startup has got backing from Doehler Ventures through a collaboration agreement that will help scale up the foodtech’s sustainable alternative.

Palm oil is an ingredient found in a shockingly high number of food products, and the industry behind it has devastating impacts on people, wildlife and the planet. According to the WWF, palm oil is present in more than half of all packaged products on supermarket shelves, and it’s found in food, cosmetics, detergents and more items. 

Putting an end to the harmful palm oil industry requires coming up with new alternatives that are scalable, accessible and much more sustainable. UK-based foodtech startup, Clean Food Group has developed an option and has just received backing from Doehler Ventures to scale. 

Collaboration Agreement

Today, Clean Food Group has shared that it has received investment from Doehler Ventures, part of the Doehler Group, a global producer, marketer and provider of technology-driven natural ingredients, ingredient systems and integrated solutions for the global food, beverage and nutrition industry.

As part of an accompanying collaboration agreement between the two companies, Doehler Group will support the scale-up of the Clean Food Group’s technology, demonstrating production at a commercial scale as well as manufacturing product batches required for market approval. The two groups plan to continue the strategic partnership in the future, as Clean Food Group continues to develop their category offerings.

Overcoming challenges requires collaboration and currently, we are seeing partnerships between corporates and startups having fruitful results. By working together, the pair are able to leverage the benefits of a fast-moving, agile startup approach to business with the clout and business savvy of an established market player. This collaboration agreement is inherently impact-driven, so we are very excited to see how it unfolds in the future and the inspiration it could provide for similar ventures. 

Creating sustainable food alternatives

Founded in the UK, Clean Food Group is on a mission to radically change the global food system by creating sustainable alternatives to the most harmful and present ingredients in our diet. Its foundational tech is based on a yeast-based alternative that has been developed over 7 years at the University of Bath by Professor Chris Chuck. 

Clean Food Group’s mission is to be part of the solution to the environmental crisis beginning with the production of its palm oil alternative

Production of palm oil is a major driver of deforestation of some of the world’s most biodiverse habitats, impacting critically endangered species like the orangutan, pygmy elephant and Sumatran rhino. This process combined with the conversion of carbon-rich peat soils is releasing millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. 

The global palm oil market was valued at over €50 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach over €65 billion by 2027 – giving a sustainable alternative and a massive market to grow into. 

Collaborating to make change

By working with Doehler Group, Clean Food Group aims to tackle significant environmental, health and animal welfare concerns about existing and future consumption levels of animal protein and other foods. 

Doehler is a global producer, marketer and provider of technology-driven natural ingredients, ingredient systems and integrated solutions for the global food, beverage and nutrition industry. with more than 45 production sites, 75 offices and application centres, Doehler counts customers in over 160 countries. 

This collaboration agreement will give Clean Food Group financial support to scale up its tech solution, and help to reduce the detrimental environmental impact of a range of palm-based ingredients found in everyday products. 

Alex Neves, co-founder and CEO of Clean Food Group: “We are delighted to be partnering with Doehler Group, a leading manufacturer and innovator within the area of technology-driven natural ingredients and ingredient systems. With Doehler Group’s support, we are excited to accelerate the scale-up of our ground-breaking technology, which will allow us to bring our sustainable palm oil alternative to market more quickly.”


December 5, 2022 at 03:55AM by (Patricia Allen), Khareem Sudlow