GS Invoice | Invoice SaaS #StartUps - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Monday, January 9, 2023

GS Invoice | Invoice SaaS #StartUps


Free Invoice Maker for Google Sheetsâ„¢

Quick Information

  • Name of Startup: GS Invoice
  • Year Founded: 2022
  • Website:
  • Type of company: Invoice SaaS
  • HQ Location: Melbourne Australia

Startup Founders

Peter Katsoulotos

Startup one-liner:

PDF Invoice Maker for Google Sheetsâ„¢

Problem the startup solves:

I wanted to send an annual invoice that covered the whole of the previous period. It was important to show the dates of the period covered. For example, on 12th December 2022, I wanted to generate an invoice that said 12 month domain registration (12/01/2023 to 11/01/2024) and send it 30 days before it was due.

Other problems I wanted it to solve

Keeping track of reoccurring invoices and who has paid.

Automatically send the invoice from my email address with my signature with a custom message.

I searched for a solution and I could not find one.

Eventually I came across an article by Jonathan Poland
He had the same problem as me and he had done more research to find a solution.

His findings.

Harvest supports recurring invoices, however, the variables you can use are very limited.

With Invoice Ninja The variables almost worked but not quite.

Wave does support variables

Zapier is limited in manipulating the dates.

He also took a look at all of these:

All of these either didn’t describe how recurring invoices work or were just way too expensive.
Progress and current status:
Google sheets addon has been approved.

Startup is up to v2 which has a huge speed improvement

What is a crazy story about the startup?:

I was actually in the processes and creating a capital gains stock spreadsheet calculator to calculate my P/L of share trading. I got sidetracked with this invoice project and released it first. It is actually a good thing because I reused code into both projects.

What is a company the startup looks up to, and why?:

The new Gamestop. They are trying to rebuild their brand. Trying hard to be innovating with their NFT marketplace. Increasing the stock range on their websites and bigger warehouses, increasing their footprint with bigger and quick response times to customers.

The company in four years will be…

GS Invoice will be synonymous to Google Sheets Invoice.

The beautiful thing about spreadsheets is that you can build anything and customise them in such a way where it is difficult to do so with other applications.

The post GS Invoice | Invoice SaaS appeared first on KillerStartups.


January 9, 2023 at 09:53AM by Tom Heien, Khareem Sudlow