Planet Wild | Climate Tech #StartUps - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Planet Wild | Climate Tech #StartUps



Quick Information

Name of Startup: Planet Wild
Year Founded: 2019
Type of company: Climate Tech
HQ Location: Berlin

Startup Founders:

Planet Wild is founded by Jonas Brandau (CPO), Markus Gilles (CEO) and Andreas Pursian (CTO), serial entrepreneurs, committed to social and environmental causes. Markus has a background of a fair-trade spokesperson and activist, Jonas that of a filmmaker creating videos on sustainability, and Andreas supporting international development cooperation initiatives with IT infrastructure.

A common love for technology brought them together in the startup space about a decade ago. Since then they have founded several tech-for-good companies, aimed at promoting civil discourse, quality journalism, and women’s empowerment.

Now they bring their passion for sustainability and technology together, creating a global community of people that deeply care about the planet — on a mission to bring back endangered species, clean up our oceans from plastic and to rewild entire forests to give them back to nature.

Startup one-liner:

Planet Wild is a global community of people that deeply care about the planet — on a mission to bring back endangered species, clean up our oceans from plastic and to rewild entire forests to give them back to nature.

Problem the startup solves:

Many people realise the scale of the environmental crisis that the Planet Earth and all of us are facing, however, they don’t know how they can help and feel helpless amidst the climate climate change and the rapid lost of bio-diversity.
At Planet Wild we want to make it easy for everybody to be part of missions that bring back endangered species, clean up our oceans from plastic, and rewild entire forests to give them back to nature.
There are many environmental projects out there, however, deciding which one is worth funding is not easy. We will take care of the project selection and do the due diligence for our users, making sure that their contributions go to the project that create a real impact.

Progress and Current Status:

We went live with our page in January, have filmed the first mission, started nourishing the community, plan to go live full mode early April.

What is an Inspiring Story about the Startup?:

Once upon a time, Jonas, Andreas and Markus were so concerned about the state of the planet and the rapid loss of biodiversity, that they decided to go all in.
They decided to do what they know best – found a company and empower individuals from around the world to be part of a mission to bring back endangered species, clean up our oceans from plastic and to rewild entire forests to give them back to nature.
They know that their journey won’t be a bed of roses, but they are confident that with persistence, hard work, and support of a global community, they will bring back the natural balance of the environment and preserve it for future generations.

What is a Company the Startup Looks Up to, and Why?:

Patagonia because of their commitment to environmental sustainability, ethical business practices, how they balance profit with purpose and the way they communicate.
We wish more companies were living by Patagonia’s mission statement “Make the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, and use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.”

The Company in Four Years Will Be…

In four years we’ll still be in Berlin, but with a globe spanning network of earth enthusiasts and 48 funded projects. We are aiming to create a truly global community that unleashes impact that would not be possible if people acted on their own and contributes to the restoration of the Planet.

The post Planet Wild | Climate Tech appeared first on KillerStartups.


February 7, 2023 at 10:29AM by Tom Heien, Khareem Sudlow