Dear SaaStr: I Don’t Know Marketing. Should We Try to Do It Ourselves or Hire an Agency? - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Dear SaaStr: I Don’t Know Marketing. Should We Try to Do It Ourselves or Hire an Agency?


Dear SaaStr: I Don’t Know Marketing. Should We Try to Do It Ourselves or Hire an Agency?

I’ve never seen a marketing agency get a startup qualified leads, especially at the earliest start-up phases.

The only value I’ve really seen in agencies is helping you with positioning (sort of, but not too much), branding (yes, if you really need this so early), and messaging.  And managing online marketing and advertising for you — once you’ve proven you can get the basics working yourself.

But leads?  And true customers?

No way.  At least not from 99% of agencies.

Even the best marketing agencies mainly help you scale.  They help you take something that is already working a little bit, and add more flexible resources to it.  That the best agencies can do, and do well.

But prove out a marketing channel works at all for you?  Almost never seen that work out.

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Jason Lemkin, Khareem Sudlow