Feedback: Does It Even Work Anymore For All But the Best? - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Feedback: Does It Even Work Anymore For All But the Best?


So I’ve made the decision this year to no longer provide any feedback, with a very few narrow exceptions.

  • Tell a sales rep you wished they’d made the interview on time? They go on blast.
  • Tell a contractor they didn’t actually finish the project? At all? They quit.
  • Tell most VPs they need to step it up? They blame you. You didn’t give them enough resources.
  • Tell a VC their founder just isn’t followed enough for a session at SaaStr Annual?  You’re wrong.
  • Tell all but the best founders they are falling behind? They lash out.

It’s 2024. All but the best want participation points. Even on the revenue side. It is what it is. Everyone is “doing their best”.

I’ll keep keeping it real with the very, very, very best founders and VPs. The very, very, very best.

The rest? I’ve moved on to saying nothing, or telling them “good stuff.”

“Good stuff” is my new feedback for The 99%. The 1%? I’ll have their back, and tell them the truth still.

Good Stuff.

(image from here)

The post Feedback: Does It Even Work Anymore For All But the Best? appeared first on SaaStr.


Jason Lemkin, Khareem Sudlow