Policy - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Terms of Use
  • All writers and contributors on AiUpNow.com do their best to provide the most accurate and useful information. If we do make a mistake here and there, you can let us know but we will not tolerate any hate talk in the comments or via email.

  • All content on AiUpNow.com re-encamp is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should be treated as such.

  • All medicinal information on the website is created exclusively for informational purposes and is not a substitute for visiting your doctor and getting professional information. We do a lot of research on medical topics, but we are not qualified, medical professionals.

  • By using AiUpNow.com, you are agreeing that you are using the supplied information on your own risk. AiUpNow.com is, therefore, not responsible for any potential damage that may result from using our content.

  • By using AiUpNow.com, you indemnify to the fullest extent from and against any liabilities, costs, demands, and damages arising in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these terms.

  • Links from AiUpNow.com to other third party websites do not constitute an endorsement by AiUpNow.com unless otherwise expressed in the article.

  • AiUpNow.com is provided “as is” and we express no warranties of any kind.

  • We can change our terms of use at any time and you are expected to review these on a regular basis. If we do have a big change coming up (highly unlikely) we may let you know either via email (if you’re a subscriber) or via a prominent link on the website.

  • You are able to create a binding legal obligation;

  • You are not barred from receiving products or services under applicable law;

  • You will not attempt to use the Site with crawlers, robots, data mining, or extraction tools or any other functionality;

  • Your use of the Site will at all times comply with these Terms of Use;

  • You will only make legitimate purchases that comply with the letter and spirit of the terms of the respective offers;

  • You will only make purchases on the Site for your own use and enjoyment or as a gift for another person;

  • You have the right to provide any and all information you submit to the Site, and all such information is accurate, true, current, and complete;

  • You will update and correct information you have submitted to the Site and ensure that it is accurate at all times (out-of-date information will invalidate your account); and,

  • You will only purchase a Merchant Offering, Product, or participate in other available programs through the Site by creating an account on the Site, and any purchase will be subject to the applicable Terms of Sale set forth in these Terms of Use.​

  • Privacy and Cookie Policy

  • AiUpNow.com has an opt-in newsletter, accessible in some areas of the website, which requires the user to provide an email address. Additionally, some sections on our website offer certain products (eBooks, PDFs, etc.) which also require the user to submit their email information.

  • AiUpNow.com does not share your email addresses with any third party nor do we use it for spamming.

  • AiUpNow.com will not use your private information for anything else other than sending emails.

  • Your information is kept safe with our email service provider and, should any problem occur, we are keen on resolving it right away.

  • If you would like your information removed from our database, you can do so by emailing us or just by hitting the “unsubscribe” link, located at the bottom of our emails. Alternatively, if you would like a copy of your information, we will gladly submit it to you upon request.

  • We use third-party cookies to collect audience data that helps us optimize our marketing efforts. For these purposes, we are using Twitter and Google Analytics, that enable us to track conversions and serve ads targeted to users’ interests. Additionally, we may use that data to further optimize our articles by tailoring them to users most likely to engage. For example, if we see (through Google Analytics Audience cookie) that our most engaged audience is between 24-35 years old then we will create content that caters to that specific audience group. The data we collect is non-personally identifiable information. Hence, if you decide to accept this, you might see our ads on other platforms, based on the fact that you previously visited the website.

  • You can easily opt out of being tracked through Google Analytics by configuring your Ad Settings, NAI Consumer Opt Out, or by downloading the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

  • Copyright and Using AiUpNow.com Material
  • All content on this website, including text, images, and other material is copyrighted and protected by AiUpNow.com.

  • You are restricted from commercializing, publicly showing, damaging any AiUpNow.com material. Also, you must not engage in any illegal activities with the website.

  • You can use images and excerpts from the content, only if: a) you get a previous consent via email or b) you link back to our website with the proper credit and then let us know that you used our content (via email).

  • If we are not satisfied with your credit or we do not want to be associated with your web property, we hold the right to send you a removal request.

  • Unless we’ve given you prior consent, you can’t use any of our logos anywhere on your project or a website, advertising material, video, and any other publication.

  • All third party material, content, logos, video, and other media are trademarks and copyrights of their respective organizations. If we made a mistake to use your intellectual property without prior consent, please let us know and we’ll take it down right away.