Q: What are your top tips for making life easier as an early-stage SaaS CEO? For a start-up CEO, here’s my list, force-ranked: 1. Spend more of your time recruiting VPs and your senior team — and help in general. At least — 20% of your tim...
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Monday, May 10, 2021
The One Best, “Secret” Hack to Getting Venture Funding #SmallBiz
If you are doing your job as CEO, you already have 1 or 2 investors that want to invest in the next round No matter when that round is — Jason BeKind Lemkin (@jasonlk) April 29, 2021 I am fairly confident there are at least 1,000 Substacks, 10...
How to Back Into a Fair Valuation For Your Seed Round (Or Later) #SmallBiz
The hardest investment rounds to price are seed rounds. They’re incredibly situationally dependent: A founder that sold her last company for $400m or IPO’d might be able to raise a pre-seed round at $40m pre (not uncommon). A founder with litt...
Sunday, May 9, 2021
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Great VP of Sales #SmallBiz
The toughest hire of all is probably your VP of Sales. What trade-offs should you make? What are the right interview questions? When is too early to make the hire? When do you know that you’ve made a mis-hire? How far can you stretch to make the...
Friday, May 7, 2021
The #1 Way to Accelerate Your Career Growth #SmallBiz
Everyone of us that are hyper-driven wants to grow our careers faster. We’re impatient. We want to learn, grow, manage more, earlier. Let me share my best hack. My uber-learning: Find the best boss you can; and Take on every initiative, project,...
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Events Are Coming Back: Are They Worth the Big Expense? #SmallBiz
Events. Not digital events, which exploded since Covid. But good old fashioned, in-a-convention-center events are coming back. And boy, has it been a while. Many events like Coachella, Dreamforce, SaaStr Annual and more haven’t been produced ...